Glen Gallucci has helped 1000s of students find success.  You're next.
Skip The Learning Curve And Get 
40+ Years Of Fix & Flip Experience 
 Without Making 40+ Years Of Mistakes
If you've been struggling to break into the world of fix & flip projects, wholesaling properties, or even private lending, we can take you from a place of confusion to a place of power.  Imagine what it will be like when you can execute fix & flip deals with the confidence of a seasoned investor. 
Skip the learning curve, and jumpstart your new career now.

"Glen Got Me Out Of $200,000+ In Debt By Showing Me How To Invest In Fix And Flips Using Other People's Money"

- Robert Orfino

Glen Gallucci is the CEO and founder of Peak Properties, Peak Education, and Peak Private Lending. Glen has been an expert at analyzing, buying, fixing and selling houses for over 40 years. He is one of today’s most well-financed and well-respected real estate investors.  Glen has been featured as the New York Times® pick for his in-person and on-site fix and flip events.
✓ 45 Boot Camps     ✓ 32 Seminars     ✓ 74 Workshops     ✓ 16 Mentorship Programs 
✓ 42 Bus Tours Of Investment Properties     ✓ 250+ Consulting Sessions 
Register For The FREE Fix & Flip Webinar
I'll show you the 3 secret strategies I've been using to consistantly generate $50,000+ per fix & flip project, SEVERAL TIMES PER YEAR, that can be applied even with NO MONEY and NO CONSTRUCTION EXPERIENCE.
Learn How To Invest In Fix & Flips Using 
OTHER People's Money
Ready to get into the fix & flip business?  I'll personally show you how we find "diamond in the rough" properties, analyze then buy the property, estimate costs & contract out the rehab, then... sell them for significant profits.  Want to limit your exposure, or just don't have the cash flow to fund deals on your own?  We'll give you templated letters & forms to build your network of cash investors, and gain their trust.  The catch?  You need to know HOW to present a deal to investors.  And that's exactly what I'm going to show you.
Earn Huge Fees Locating Houses For Cash Buying Investors...
Become A Wholesaler Even If You Have 
NO Money
If you're just getting started, wholesaling is a great way to make money prior to managing the "fix".  It's a strategy that can help you establish a nest egg for future fix & flip projects.  We'll show you EXACTLY how wholesaling to find distressed properties in your area, lock them down, and sell the "right to purchase" to cash investors waiting on the sidelines.  To celebrate the launch of my new book "Wholesale Real Estate Secrets", I'm GIVING IT AWAY FOR FREE for a limited time.  You just pay shipping!  Click below to lock down your copy, and unlock the next level for your finances and your career.  
Thousands Of Students Have Found Financial Success Through Glen's Educational Courses & are what students have to say:

"I was able to complete 2 fix and flips, and 6 wholesales all under the direction of Mr. Glen Gallucci."    
-Eddie Lopez / Wholesaler

"Don't even think about it... It's a no brainer.  You learn so much for the little amount of money you pay.. it's gonna come back 10 fold."   
  -Ron Quizon / Fix and Flip Investor

" Amazing... absolutely amazing.  The myths have been broken."
- Theresa Hemmingway / Wholesaler

"I've listened to Glen over the years.... he's been in this business a long time and wants to see become become successful."   
  -Frank Marano / Fix and Flip Investor

"Glen helped me understand how to analyze deals and how to look at properties."  
-Nadine Delille / Wholesaler

"Extremely helpful to hear from experts... and see what Glen is looking for in a property.."   
  - Gary Colaprico / Fix and Flip Investor

Glen Gallucci Has Been Featured On:


Get your copy of Glen's new book
"Wholesaling Secrets" ($47 Value)
FOR FREE (just cover shipping)

"If you can only listen to one real estate guru - make it Glen Gallucci. You will learn more valuable information in 5 minutes from Glen than you will in 5 hours from anyone else. He's done it all - wholesaling, rehabbing, financing, joint-venturing and he shares his vast reservoir of experience, including mistakes to avoid, in the most tell-it-like-it-is presentation you will ever hear."

- Bruce Baker 
Real Estate Appraiser , NJ

"Glen has that uncanny ability to break down the field of flipping properties in such a way as to make it enjoyable, extremely interesting and easy to follow. I would recommend Glen highly to anyone seeking to proceed in the right direction in the field of Real Estate Investing"

- Peter R. Hemingway 
Real Estate Investor , New York

"Glen’s course material has been the guide for me to get started investing in real estate. It works like a recipe for a cake. Just follow the directions. There is no guess work involved. Using his straight forward guidance, simple formulas and forms, I’m looking to make about $65k on just the two deals. And the year isn’t over yet..."

- Bonnie Ladds
Fix and Flip Investor, NYC

It's Time To Get Off The Sidelines,
 And Start Your Fix & Flip Business Today
Click Below To Unlock Access

Peak Education is a real estate education company that helps aspiring wholesalers, fix and flippers, and private lenders get started. We make no claims or representation that by using Peak Education you will earn money or make your money back. Testimonials shown are real experiences from paying users of Peak Education. Their business’s results are not typical, and your business’s experience will vary based upon the effort and education of your business’s employees and management, the business model that is implemented, and market forces beyond anyone’s control.

California residents can obtain information about the categories of personal information collected, and the business purposes for which the information is collected, by clicking the Privacy Policy below.

Peak Education LLC - © 2023 All Rights Reserved | 319 Queen Anne Road, Teaneck NJ 07666